Monday, August 18, 2014

Being Last

Let's face it - none of us wants to be last. We don't want to be the last one chosen in class, the last one with a date for Prom, the last to leave home, the last to get married, the last to have a child... It hurts. It hurts a lot to feel unloved, unwanted, undesirable, unworthy. The hard part is remembering that not wanting to be last is a worldly, earthly, human way of thinking. (That I do, too. So don't get me wrong - I'm preaching to myself as well here.) The exact verse from scripture (NIV) is "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." (Matthew 20:16) I can't claim that I want to be last off Infertile Island, and I freely admit that I threw I gigantic hissy fit when my kid brother and his wife had a child before we did (after having a snit fit about him marrying first, too). I'm as guilty as the next person, but what I am trying to remember right now is Jesus' reminder in the parable of the vineyard workers that we are to take what has been promised to us and not compare it to what He has given others. Now if only it were that easy to do...


  1. Good reminder...I must not compare what God has given me compared to others. I just think it's hard especially with the art procedures out there that just make having a baby seem so easy and so attainable. I fight my anger with that than I do with being jealous.

    Now I have something new to be jealous about...all the couples who are adopting and we are still left waiting...and left uncertain. Now, that's a hard pill to swallow.

  2. You are right, but the comparison is so hard. It's great to hear so many wonderful announcements, but it's hard to never have an announcement to make.

  3. Yep. Love and prayers for you my friend.

  4. Amen! No one wants to be last, although it seems as though I'm destined to be.

  5. So true, even though easier said than done to remember God's promises, and be truly grateful w/o comparing.

  6. This was the gospel yesterday, and I thought the exact same thing.

  7. All so true! If only we could live life with blinders on...
